Why are we addicted to social media?

Why are we addicted to social media?

 85 percent of people use their phones when they wake up in the morning.

They think they only need to use it for a short time, but they use it for a long time.

The secret behind why people spend so much time on social media is in their habits.

Social media apps have four secret faces. Let us see that.

We need to start the car, which is the key. Similarly, it requires motivation to use social networking sites.

The reason humans are addicted to social media is because of its notifications.

This notification is the trigger. There are two types of triggers:

external trigger.

This is an outside trigger, like a paid advertising relationship or personal interest. Example: Entrepreneurs advertise their products on social media to sell them; this is a paid trigger. Next, our relatives or friends recommend the product. Another is our own interest; our thoughts drive us to buy it.

Internal trigger

This is very powerful. For example, when we feel happy and go out and enjoy the day, we feel happy, so we take pictures and post them on Instagram. This makes us feel good, but doing this daily will become a form of habit.


Before WhatsApp, there were more messenger apps on the market, and people were using them. After WhatsApp, people are using WhatsApp because of its simplicity.

 other apps each time you log in and use them, but WhatsApp is only a one-time sign-up and is used regularly. That is why people are using it. So, this business model is to understand people's needs and requirements and then create the apps and products.


For example, someone may give you an empty box and say, Open and close continuously. How many times have you done this? The maximum is 10 to 15 minutes.

 Again, someone gives you a box and says open and close, but when you open the box, you will get new gift items each time. Now tell me how many times you have done this. You cannot say because you will get the gift continuously, so you will do it while you have tried.

The same is the case with social networking sites. When you use Facebook and scroll down, you will see new videos and images.

Even if the rewards are given over and over again, there is no interest in them. It is interesting to see new videos and new reels of pictures so that people are addicted to Facebook and other apps as well.

Some videos and posts make you happy, and some posts will make you think positively and create interest in what is next. 

So that you will scroll down and watch many videos while we do this, we will waste our time continuously. When we post our story on Instagram, people like, share, and comment. This is also one kind of reward.

And we have to check our social media app again to see how many people have liked our stories. This will make it a habit as well. This is the reason people are addicted to these social media sites.

 Do you think people are so addicted to playing video games? There are many reasons, but the main reason is investment. Here, investment means time and effort.


 We will put in a lot of effort and spend a lot of time on the video game to complete the levels one by one.

If we complete more levels of our thoughts, we will have completed more levels again. So, spend time on it.

For example, most people use the internet daily for at least 1 GB or 2 GB. We will use the internet for entertainment, like social media apps, at the end of the night. If we have the internet, we should finish it, even if we don't have any uses.


We don't use social media for only entertainment; we use it for positive information, business, and improving our knowledge. Only then can we achieve our goals. At present, a lot of educational information is on the Internet, so we have to use it to gain knowledge.

I am giving this information after reading the social media business model by Nir Eyal in this book.
